Thanks to our SCN Member from Australia, Austorient, for sharing recent information provided by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, advising there has been a large number of Khapra Beetle detections within the last months.
There is a high level of confidence that most of the infestations originated from the container (under floor) rather than the commodity. However, some of the detections originated from non Khapra Beetle risk countries such as China and Papua New Guinea.
It is suspected that the detected Khapra Beetles may have been living in the container for upwards of 3 years.
This is a cause for concern as it appears the Khapra Beetle is moving undetected on containers internationally and therefore posing a risk to Australia, should an infested container arrive at an Australian Port and spread from there.
Khapra Beetle list of risk countries – https://www.agriculture.gov.au/import/arrival/pests/khapra_beetle
Your overseas Suppliers and shippers of FCL containers should also be alerted for their awareness to have shipping containers checked/inspected before their export packing.
Please further refer to the attached Department of Agriculture Bulletins providing information and processes that should be taken if evidence is found of this pest: khapra-beetle-pest-bulletin

If you require further information, please contact:
Michael Carrafa