Due to some BSI mails been blocked by Microsoft sever recently, we couldn’t communicate smoothly with some partners. Now BSI has registered another mail domain bestservices.com.hk for use.
Pls note BSI main mail domains are bestservices.com.cn & bsicargo.com.cn, and bestservices.com.hk would be a supplement in case of mail delivery failure by the two main domains.
Our account will only use the mails as account@bestservices.com.cn & account@bsicargo.com.cn. For accounting issue with BSI, pls always communicate with these two mails.
P.S. In view of the cyber fraud across the globe, commonly known as a “man-in-the-middle” attack, please kindly be reminded that Best Services International Freight Limited will not ask for a bank account payment change mid-way through a transaction.
If you receive request like this by email, you should immediately TELEPHONE our CEO Wilson Wong (at +86-158 0059 5219, not on the email where the request is made) and speak to our CEO Wilson Wong directly to validate the change.
If you require further information, please contact:
Emmett Zheng
General Manager – Ocean freight