New SCN Members:
We wanted to remind you of the new members who have joined our network (or enrolled a new branch) since the start of 2023. Please have a look and send a quick personal message if you have missed any. Full contact details are in their SCN member page (for SCN members only)
New Branch:
Departing Members
The following members have ceased to be members of SCN in first half of 2023 and coverage of operations under Securityplus! is no longer valid:
- First Logix Shipping LLC (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
- Roadtimes International (Shanghai, China)
IMPORTANT: Please always check on SCN’s Web page for a full list of SCN active members and companies you are protected with under SecurityPlus!
(Remember that if you have a print out, and changes since your last copy will NOT be reflected. SCN encourages real time checks on our web page)