New SCN Members:
We just wanted to remind you of the new members who have joined our network this quarter (or enrolled a new branch) Please have a look and send a quick personal message if you have missed any. Full contct details are in their SCN member page (Click on each block for the link to the entry).
New Members’ office:
New SCN Partners:
Departing Members (October – December 2020)
The following members have ceased to be members of SCN and coverage of operations under Securityplus! is no longer valid:
- DeWitt Move Worldwide (San Diego, Honolulu & Ancorage, USA)
De Witt has decided to focus more on their removal business. We wish them good fortune luck on their future endeavours
- Boeing Distribution Services Logistics GmbH (Kaltenkirchen, GERMANY)
Boeing has ceased operation in 2020 in this difficult year for many. We wish our friends there luck and remember some great times together
- Multihub Logistics Ltd (Lagos, NIGERIA)
Multihub, after a temporary suspension from the network, has now been definitively removed due to payment failures. Operations are NOT covered on Securityplus!
- Cargofuture (Beijing, CHINA)
Has decided to not renew membership following a difficult year.
IMPORTANT: Please always check on SCN’s Web page for a full list of SCN members and companies you are protected with under SecurityPlus!