Intercontinental Network Services (Mexico) Leadership Transition

Member News

We are pleased to share with you a statement of the change of leadership within our member Intercontinental Network Services S.C

“Dear friends and partners, it is time for me to hand over control of Intercontinental Network Services S.C to Ernesto Chavez Lozano, my son, who is a young person with new ideas, who will further project the business to new markets and businesses.

It is a pride for me to hand over to him the company which I know will be run as it has been doing. From this date he will be the person to consider contacting.

For my part, it was a pleasure to have worked with many of you, in good businesses.

I remain always at your orders.

Your Friend Ernesto Chavez.”

We extend to Ernesto profound gratitude for the legacy of leadership and guidance, and we welcome Ernesto Jr. and wish a succesfull journey in this transition!

For more information please contact:

Ernesto M.Lozano
Your new CEO