From SCN we’re concerned about the pollution and the climate change; for that we’re involved in projects that tries to act in front of this situation. Is a pleasure then for us to see how our members are also acting and developing projects and lines of business to prevent pollution from increasing.
We want to talk this time about a project where our member from China, Norman Global Logistics, is involved and taking part very actively: Plogging Along Hong Kong.
“Originated in Sweden, plogging is a new fitness activity to exercise and clean the environment during jogging. The word “plogging” comes from the Swedish word “plocka upp”, which means to pick up and the word jogging. Last month, we joined plogging with the members of Swedish Chamber in Hong Kong. We appreciate the team efforts to maintain a healthy eco-system and keep the earth clean and green.” Norman Global Logistics
They are taking part of this measure taken to eliminate pollution in Hong Kong by the Sustainability Committee of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. CLICK HERE to read more!

If you want to receive further information, please contact:

Stefan Holmqvist