To all our valued clients, partners, and suppliers
We wish to announce that effective May 1st 2023, we will trade under the name Quick Cargo Limited with new branding.
We will no longer trade within the QCS – Quick Cargo Service EU group, but our companies retain a 40+ year friendship and business relationship that will continue.
Our emails will change to @quickcargo.com but all existing email addresses will also continue to be operational for a short period.
Our bank details remain the same.
Please amend your records and send all invoices to:
Quick Cargo Ltd
Unit 1
Beta Way
Thorpe Industrial Estate
TW20 8RE
All accounts queries/remittances to accounts@quickcargo.com.
Please send all invoices to invoices@quickcargo.com to ensure prompt payment.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for your continued custom and support.