Its clear that we all like to hear about success stories, especially between SCN members.
And what better than to learn of a smoothly quoted, loaded and operated shipment of a cool and “sexy” looking red Ferrari sent urgently by airfreight with high margins to a pleased (and rich) client in destination, who drives away in style from the airport
…..However, life is not perfect and we really dont have many shipments like that, do we?
Its clear that noone wants a problematic shipment taking up their time and energy, but sometimes they simply don’t turn out how they were intended and these are the times you need the support of an agent at the other end to avoid a potential high loss for you
When T&M Forwarding (HCMC, Hanoi, Haiphong & Danang, VIETNAM) obtained a prepaid shipment to Australia, they were pleased to be sending the shipment of Ethyl alcohol to be used in hand sanitizer, and they “only” needed the assistance of Tradewise (Brisbane, AUSTRALIA) to release the cargo correctly in destination
Did we say “only”?

After shipment, the initial buyer and consignee walked away from the shipment
So did the second
On arrival in destination, the third had been found…who unfortunately didn’t have import permits to handle this dangerous cargo
With demurrages and occupations adding up, a potentially problematic situation occurs for the forwarders in origin and destination alike. With a MB/L consigned to Tradewise, there was clearly potential for the shipping line to demand payment of demurrages, possibly affecting other shipments. Ultimate responsibility obviously goes to origin agent, T&M, who were clerly not to blame for the lack of a clear sale between shipper and importer.
Thanks to the level headedness of both SCN member companies, an excellent relationship and level of cummunication gave rise not only to a delivered shipment, but also to a reduction of 25% of the considerable demurrage charges for the final client. The shipment, which arrived on 11th May was finally delivered last week
Thanks to the teams at Tradewise (Australia) and T&M Forwarding (Vietnam) for a disaster story which ended in an SCN Success Story.
If you’d like to contact either company, they’d be pleased to recevie your consignments….of Ferraris by airfreight!

Paul Khoa
T&M forwarding, VIETNAM
Andrew Vlamos
Tradewise Global, AUSTRALIA