These are difficult moments for forwarding and moreso if you have to coordinate deliveries against confirmation of payment. Even worse is if there are strict credit controls in the country that you need to remit funds from after being collected from the consignee.
Luckily for Wig Air (Mumbai, India), when they needed to do just that with a large consignment of confection for Nigeria, they were able to count on the support of fellow SCN member, Platinum Freight Ltd (Lagos, Nigeria). A partial arrival of goods and limitations to US$10,000 in each payment from Nigeria were just two of the obstacles that the collaboration needed to overcome to ensure that the funds were collected and immediately transfered back to India.
How was this possible?…..well, with close and collaborative COMMUNICATION.
Maybe the fact that there were guarantees of SCN helped, maybe it didn’t. But what was clear to us at SCN is that a willingness to support and trust your agent is the key to being able to make successful shipments around the world
Don’t we all want to be part of a collaboration when one member wants to say to the other:…
“We do much appreciate for all your great support to handle our nominated movements to LAGOS ex-DEL/INDIA”
From the Wig Air team (Mumbai, India) to the Platinum Freight Forwarder team (Lagos, Nigeria)
Thanks to you both for your professionally and helping to make SCN a great community