We’re very pleased to see more and more members updating their profile, to share their specializations and updated information with other members.
Today we’d like to share with you the profile of Wallis Shipping Services Ltd., (Colchester, UK). They’ve been adding specialities and contacts to make it easier for you to connect up with them and see what they can do for you. Have a look for yourselves here at this link.
If you want to update your profile, take a look at our website user’s guide which you can find in the resources area at the website or following this link. If in doubt, of course you can always contact Sophie at: smancebo@securitycargonetwork.com.
After talking with Jenna of Wallis, she tells us that there’s still lots to add – but she would especially like to point out the addition to the Wallis team of their events and exhibition manager, Mike Barrett.
What to know a bit more? don’t hesitate in contacting them.

Jenna Morgan