We are proud to announce that as of January 1st, 2021 , our companies “Target Logistics” & “R. Shaltiel customs agents” became a part of “T.S.M. Group“.
T.S.M Group – Owned by Mr Shay Michaeli – is an energetic freight forwarding company dealing mainly, with infrastructure massive projects and is well spread among Israeli industrial markets .
Joining our companies to T.S.M. Group will surely empower our capabilities and consequently our penetration to new areas at the forwarding freight industry .
Together with the back-standing strong financial resources , we have marked the year of 2021 as one which we intend to make as breakthrough to become a significant player at the Israeli freight forwarding field.
By investing and improving our technology systems , enforcing our sales team and especially by gathering the best professional experts – we believe that together with trustworthy , strong, and reliable partners all around the world , we can make the coming year 2021 full of opportunities and fruitful cooperation .
We would like to thank you for your support along the years and believe that together, we can grow further in the coming future.
Target Logistics team remains as it was before joining T.S.M Group.
For any further information, pleaes contact with:
Yossi Ridi
SCN Contact & Marketing and Sales Manaager