Wallis Shipping Services Ltd. (UK) – Brexit Update

Member News

With the new extended deadline for the UK’s exit from the European Union on the 31st January 2020, Wallis have put together our preparations for a worst case and NO DEAL scenario.

It is important for all European members to note that all will remain as at present until end of January. After that date, changes will begin to implemented. For shipments outside the EU to and from UK, it will be business as usual

Wallis have put together a step by step check list to ensure you have all the necessary requirements for shipments moving between UK and Europe moving forward.

1). Apply for an EORI number. This will be necessary both for UK companies and European companies moving goods into UK. : www.gov.uk/eori if you haven’t already, please see our article here  regarding UK exporters for more information on EORI numbers.

2). UK importers will be able to apply for TSP (Transitional Simplificed Procedure) to import their goods into UK to allow for smoother transactions as changes come into effect – click here

3). Commodity Codes – Make sure that your customers know what customs tariff code applies to their products: www.gov.uk/trade-tariff This will ensure correct Duties and Taxes are levied when goods clear customs –

4). Exhibition cargo will need: commercial invoices and packing lists – please contact us for an example. Duties and Taxes will be applicable on all temporary imports and exports. However, we can apply for an ATA Carnet for high value goods. Contact our Events Team for further info –events@wssl.co.uk


If you require any more information or have any questions on how this may affect your shipments, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team.

Call: 01206 751133

Email: info@wssl.co.uk