Zoom into: Syndex

Member News


SCN once again was pleased to be given a little time of a member this week to explain about their specialities, interests and what they too can give to the network. This time it was Fernanda Bonato from Syndex (Brazil).

Fernanda, who many of you met in our last annual conference in Lisbon (great memories there!) has returned to Brasil from her adopted home of Sweden – both being focal points of Covid-19 activity for very different reasons, but with the situation in Brasil being particularly concerning she reports. Although the south is getting a little better, hospitals remain full and care is needed.

Despite realising that there is always more that can be done, Syndex has had many interactions in SCN, with members such as BSI (HK & China), FTS (Chicago, USA), ACI (Colombia & USA) and Dahnay (India & Thailand) being notable. Although these are difficult times to be fully active, we can expect to see these partnerships growing and new trust being developed.

Although the economy is feeling the effects of Covid-19, cargo continues to go in and out of the country. Syndex has especially noticed a growth in export customs clearances – perishable foodstuffs being a particular focus of their activity and its corresponding growth. Inquiries are of course welcome!

Syndex’s main trade route continued to be inbound cargo from Asia, China in particular. As with others, they are suffering the frustrations of space and equipment shortages. Other trade routes from Europe, India and USA continue to move as they look out for new opportunities


We’re pleased to have been able to share some of the developments and interests of SCN – thanks Fernanda and the Syndex team for your time and insight into Brasil


Please contact our Syndex contact either on their SCN member directory, or contact Fernanda:



Fernanda Bonato
Overseas Manager
M: +351930533043