LinkedIn may be a great way of connecting up the business community, but how do we actually get seen?? Is it worth the time & effort??
At SCN, we’re trying to increase visibility, specifically on LinkedIn, to make the effort worth it for ALL OF US. Luckily, we’re a network, so we can work together to raise the visibility of ALL SCN members if we all work together…if you’re interested in greater visibility
We’ve created two different hashtags: #SCNCommunity #ConnectingSCN. Follow them and find out about all the news and activity of our community!
We specifically ask you to take a little time to GIVE LIKES to posts of others, and where appropriate MAKE COMMENTS too. You will see that after making comments, you too will recevie some.
…..remember to FOLLOW THE HASHTAGs, so that other posts come into your timeline
and to USE THE HASHTAG….so your posts go directly to others
Let’s get this moving between all of us! We’re already in contact with many SCN members who use LinkedIn – let us know if you do too
Need some assistance to walk you through the process? Let us know and we’ll help out.
Violeta – Events and Social Media