FIATA Digital Lab – embark on the digital journey!

Event News


Next FIATA Digital Lab session on Teams!

FIATA Digital Lab – embark on the digital journey! Sign-up to secure your place!

Not yet heard about the new FIATA Digital Lab? Keep reading! As the digitalisation of the logistics industry accelerates, every day new technology start-ups pop-up and it’s not always easy to stay up to date with emerging tools.
To help members anticipate the future of the industry and stay on top of the latest digital tools, FIATA is pleased to invite all members to attend a new webinar series where innovative logistics software/platform will be presented through short demos followed by a Q&A.

This will also allow FIATA to better understand how its members perceive these new tools and wish to position themselves as an industry. The next webinar will take place on Teams on:
 November 15 at 15.30 CET

and will feature two platforms, providing air cargo flight/route search, online quote and booking services: Airblox and IATA EPIC.

Airblox – 

Airblox is an online marketplace that enables freight forwarders (buyers) and airlines (sellers) to trade cargo capacity in the form of standardized electronic block space agreements (eBSA).

Demand Based Flexible Contracts: Creating flexible routes with electronic block space agreements (eBSA) for single or multiple positions.

Scaling Air Cargo Capacity: Airblox ensures available space is traded at the speed of supply and demand through artificial intelligence and incentives to Bid, Buy and Block capacity.

Risk Management: Hedge or speculate future capacity allocations within a private blockchain network.

Payments: Five-day payment settlement cycles on all transactions.


IATA EPIC – Enhanced Partner Identification and Connectivity – is the global repository where airlines, freight forwarders, customs, ground handlers, GSAs and IT service providers can find and engage their cargo partners for establishing digital connectivity. It maintains electronic messaging/API capabilities, digital connection possibilities and technical contacts of every cargo partner from the EPIC community. Acting as an air cargo gateway, IATA EPIC offers process flow to effectively collaborate with your business partners by connecting efficiently using the most feasible and cost-effective setups.

Connect faster and more easily with the air cargo community IATA EPIC simplifies commercial, technical and regulatory connections with air cargo partners, improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

For any questions, please contact