Late Payments?…..not in SCN!

Community News

It is a difficult time for many – be it with SCN members operating in economies that have slowed down greatly due to Covid-19, or operating with greatly inflated freight charges and the corresponding risk of late payment or default.

Better together in SCN – Thanks to Securityplus!


Luckily for SCN members, it is clear that we are BETTER TOGETHER and the network continues to see exceptionally low number of disputed and delayed payments between members. the network remain strong as is our payment protection fund, SECURITYPLUS!

  • Make sure you inform of all invoice and reclaim prior to payment date
  • If any dispute arises that requires our assessment or intervention – DON´T WAIT – Let us know
  • If any invoice is overdue from an SCN member, inform us in a timely manner


One delayed payment to you will probably be resolved shortly, filed and forgotten.

But if the same matter occurs to many members, we need to know fast to defend the interest of many!

Let us press together to make sure that LATE PAYMENTS do not become standard practive in SCN. If you are unable to make a payment, a timely request to the

other agent involved may reuslt in an agreement to extend credit terms with them. “Timely” means to politely request an extension, BEFORE the due date of the payment.


  • Do not request an extension AFTER the due date has already passed
  • If your transfer process takes more time, START EARLY. Payment day is when they should arrive 
  • If your client does not pay you, it is NO EXCUSE for not paying your collaborating agent.


However, the network is only strong thanks to YOU and your information

As a community, SCN members are here to assist each other. Help us by informing and being part of the network solution.