SCN Air Charter Board

Member News

Best Service International (BSI to their many friends) participates in multiple services from China and beyond to assist in these difficult times with high demand for medical equipment and other goods, at a time when air cargo is limited to cargo charters. Please check details of their charter service here:

BSI charter info



Kras Logistics’ Russian offices has guaranteed space on charters between Moscow, Pekin & Frankfurt. check here for initial details and contact them for rates and bookings

Kras-Logistics. 2 chartes A321. Moscow-Pekin-Frankfurt-Moscow




Kasy Logistics has a wide range of charter options. Here are some of the options from CHINA to EUROPE. Please check with them for other routes

European Regional Recommendations


SCN’s Air Charter Partners:

Apart from services from members, SCN also has two “PREFERED PARTNERS” for air chartering: