SCN Cybermeeting – “ SCN & AI: friends or enemies”

Event News

SCN CYBERMEETING  –  Wednesday 19th July 2023


Artificial intelligence or AI – is it the next big leap on technological advancement, or the final handing over to the black box of tech, which will progress unchecked to human oblivion??

Before we get wrapped up in the bigger questions, let us focus on what AI will do for the logistics industry, or in many cases, what it is ALREADY doing, so we can be informed and decide to embrace it or keep an arm’s length.

We will be joined by industry professionals to show logistics solutions implementing A.I. and giving their opinion on where we are all going. We’d love to hear the opinions of SCN members and other forwarders as they share their experiences and ideas to move us forward.

…..are you coming too?


We will be joined by AI professionals connected to logistics – who will give their version on AI progress, ethics, and of course applications to logistics:



Connect up on Wednesday 19th July, at a convenient time for you to share your experiences and impressions!

Be part of the conversation at SCN



  • SCN Cyber Meeting (5pm BCN time – Time zone 2 – Europe/Africa

Meeting (in English)

(And finally in SPANISH)

  • SCN Cyber Meeting (1pm MEX time – Time zone 3 – Americas – EN ESPAÑOL)

Reunión en español



What is an SCN Cybermeeting?

SCN Cybermeetings are zoom meetings of approx 45-60 mins

We hold three meetings on a current logistics topic to allow you to join at a convenient time according to your time zone

SCN Cybermeetings are our member’s opportunity to see and be seen – hear and be heard.

SCN Cybermeetings are FREE and we encourage all members and their contacts to join us.



