SCN European Trucking Meeting – Wednesday 16th June, 2021
- SCN European Trucking Network (4pm BCN time).
- Registration URL to sign up:
NO, not a separate network of separate companies.
We are looking to highlight some of our European members, who have their own regular trucking services to allow for greater collaboration, for greater NETWORKING in SCN.
For SCNers WITH their own trucking routes
- You will be able to promote your service to other SCN member
- Possibility of combined services with other SCN truckers
- All route details in SCN’s Service Search for greater routings possibilities
For SCNers WITHOUT their own trucking routes:
- Network with other SCN members for your trucking
- Easy contact with other SCN member through the SCN Service Search
If you have your own routes, please contact us so we can count on you for this new sub-group of SCN collaboration.