What a waste!……Plastic needs recycling – in Colombia too.

Event News


Our small contribution to the mounting plastic problem?

Helping out with SCN Community of a well focused NGO and foundation?

….or just a waste of time?

Time will tell how valuable our contribution to the global problem of excessive plastic waste. But however small our little grain of sand, we are pleased to have helped and want to do more.

Thanks to the many SCNers who joined us to help clean plastic from Punta Arena beach, Cartagena Colombia. A natural paradise of mangroves, sadly degraded by the community’s lack of fishing sock and accumulation of plastic waste.

  • Moldtrans (Spain & Portugal)
  • PH Logistics (UK)
  • Net Logistic (Costa Rica)
  • IGL Logistics (USA)
  • Leadership Logistics (Italy)
  • AN Global Services (Peru)
  • CargoWise

Special thanks to Fundacion Bahia, who arranged all, as part of their ongoing struggle against degradation by plastic in Colombia. The ongoing work of Diana de la Vega and her team not only helps to reduce the amount of plastic in Punta Arena, but also promotes small and sustainable businesses in the region, with a special focus on women in business within the community.


On a personal note, I was struck by the “uselessness” of our task. How can we clean a beach of an already full and contaminated ocean? Are we simply too small an effort to make a difference? What even happens to the plastic that we collected with so much enthusiasm?



But we are! Not, maybe in cleaning the beaches, but in changing the mentailty of those handling municipal waste programs around the world. SCN was delighted that our boat to clean plastic included Colombian students who were with us cleaning the beach and will hopefully press the authorities for action so they do not need to return again and again.



The question is not if we were wasting our time….it is a question of what are YOU doing to help? We are not going to be able to live without plastic, but we CAN make its circular collection effective.

  1. Get involved
  2. Use LESS plastic
  3. Demand action from your authorities.



Take a look at our video. Let us know how YOU want to do more

SCN Community Beach Clean – Cartagena 2023