Wednesday 20th January, 2021 Trade in 2021: New Possibilites or New Problems
Many thanks to the multiple members, contacts and freinds of SCN who connected up to discuss “Trade in 2021” in our most recent Cybermeeting
Our two main meetings had noticable differences in focus. Starting with our Asian/Aust meeting (4pm BKK). While it is noticable that forwarders are keeping an eye on possible developments around the RCEP agreement and possible variations in the trade done from China, possible adjustments of sourcing to other parts of the far east, importance of the US/China trade etc., that was not the main current focus. SCNers in the region continue to adapt on a much shorter time-frame to variations in the supply chain, notably the immense problem of container availability in most of the world and many bottle necks in major trade lanes. Covid, and its effects also logically continue to be noticed although we seem to be getting used to it.
A similar focus was noticed in our Europe/Africa/M.East/US meeting (5pm BCN time). The effects of the CFTA agreement in Africa seemed insignificant compared to the efforts going to overcome Covid-19 issues. Our thanks also to members on both sides of what appears to be the “Brexit war”, at least in logistics terms, for comments and explanation. There was also room for some great optimism as interesting reflections came from the fact that in such an economic downturn, the fact that forwarders, specifically smaller independant forwarders, are able to adapt to opportunities and survive in difficult times. Other members, particularly US members were reflecting and giving insight into container scarcity and bottlenecks throughout the supply chain in USA. Again there was room for optimism with some members confirming that while working conditions and each shipment is complex, there is room on occasion for increased profitability on certain trade lanes. Consumers continue to buy, differently, but that’s not stopping in many markets. With adaptations, agile forwarders can spot opportunites and continue to thrive.

Our next SCN Cybermeeting is planned for Wed. 24th of February. We would very much like to focus on the current and developing situation in OCEAN FREIGHT industry around the world. If any member knows any shipping line (yes….you certainly SHOULD!!) who would like to participate in an open conversation with their clients, both current and potential, please contact us.
Many thanks to all who attended. If you did not, please give it a try next time, so you can learn, speak, understand and shine….all from the comfort of your office or home!
I also encourage you all to have a look at the post of one of our attendees on the positive aspects of forwarding currently, written to SCN after the cybermeeting.
If you have any questions regarding this web meeting, or even questions to put to us please do not hesitate in contacting us: hello@securitycargonetwork.com